Top 11 Voice of the Customer (VoC) Tools in 2024

Top 11 Voice of the Customer (VoC) Tools in 2024

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, understanding your customers is not just an option – it's a necessity. But how can businesses listen to their customers and implement their feedback meaningfully?

The answer lies in leveraging the Voice of the Customer (VoC). A strategic VoC program can provide deep insights into customer needs, expectations, and experiences, shaping the roadmap for your products and services and ultimately leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

However, effectively capturing and interpreting the Voice of the Customer can be a complex task, particularly given the vast amounts of feedback that businesses often have to process across multiple channels. That's where VoC tools come in. These powerful platforms can automate and streamline collecting, analyzing, and acting upon customer feedback, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

In this blog, we will delve into the top 11 Voice of the Customer tools that can help your business tap into the invaluable customer feedback resource.  We aim to help you find the VoC tool that best aligns with your business needs, equipping you to listen to your customers and let their voices drive your business growth. So, let's dive in.

What is the Voice of the Customer(VoC)?

Voice of the Customer (VoC) is a research methodology used in business and IT to understand customers' expectations, preferences, and aversions. It represents detailed customer feedback about their needs, wants, expectations, and dislikes.

VoC provides insights into what customers value and their customer experience, which is essential in designing products, services, and processes that meet customer expectations. These insights can help improve customer satisfaction, enhance customer retention, support product vision, and drive business growth.

Collecting the Voice of the Customer can be done through various methods and VoC tools such as:

  1. Surveys and Questionnaires: Product feedback surveys are the most common method to collect customer feedback. They can gather quantitative data about customer satisfaction, product usage, and more.
  2. Interviews: One-on-one interviews provide in-depth qualitative insights. They can help understand the customer's experience, needs, and pain points.
  3. Customer Feedback Portals: Collect feature requests, bugs, ideas, and suggestions from customers all in one place from various sources such as emails, support tickets, Slack channels, and in-app feedback.
  4. Focus Groups: These are small, interactive groups led by a moderator. They are used to get detailed feedback about products or services.
  5. Usability Tests: These involve beta testing and observing customers using a product or service to understand their experience, identify issues, and gather feedback.
  6. Customer Reviews and Comments: Reviews on your website or third-party websites can provide valuable feedback about your product or service.
  7. Social Media Monitoring: Social media platforms are a gold mine of customer opinions and experiences. Monitoring them can provide direct and unsolicited feedback.
  8. Net Promoter Score (NPS): This customer loyalty and satisfaction metric measures customer willingness to recommend a company's products or services to others.

Once collected, this data is typically analyzed to create a prioritized list of customer needs and expectations, informing business strategy, product design, customer service, and more.

However, collecting VoC data is just the first step. The key to effectively leveraging VoC is analyzing the data and converting it into actionable insights, which can be used to drive improvements that genuinely enhance the customer experience.

Top 11 Voice of the Customer (VoC) Tools in 2024

1. Rapidr

Rapidr is an enterprise feedback management software and feature tracking tool that helps manage the entire feedback lifecycle, from capturing feature requests to prioritizing features, informing product roadmap, and sharing product updates with changelog.

Rapidr allows you to capture and track all user feedback and organize and analyze them under one roof in a centralized location. Then, inform your roadmap with the most critical feedback, and notify users of what's new with release notes.

Rapidr Pricing: Starts at $49/month.

Use case: Best for feature request tracking, idea management, feature voting, roadmapping, and product changelog.

Features of Rapidr

  • Rapidr is an end-to-end enterprise feedback management solution, so you don't have to glue multiple apps together. With it, you get a customer feedback management tool, feature request collection software, road mapping software, and release notes software.
  • Rapidr is one of the most modern and cost-effective solutions that offer excellent value for money stacked against the other enterprise options on this list. Rapidr's pricing is based on the weight you derive from the software instead of per-seat pricing.
  • Rapidr supports major integrations such as HubSpot, Jira, Intercom, Slack, SAML SSO, etc., and many more at the time of writing to collect and manage customer feedback.
  • Rapidr can be fully white-labeled on high-end plans. White-labeling removes the "Powered by Rapidr" link from your feedback portal and emails, which means no visible branding from Rapidr.
  • Rapidr is relatively new in the market, and many features are still being built and tracked on their public feedback board. But with features rivaling other options at a much lower price and in the hands of trusted people, it's an excellent option for anyone looking for a lean, simple, and clean customer feedback management tool.

2. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is an all-in-one survey tool that helps run customer satisfaction surveys(CSAT) and NPS to get product feedback and ask customer feedback questions to users. It also supports employee engagement surveys to understand employee satisfaction within the company.

SurveyMonkey Pricing: Starting from $25/month

Features of SurveyMonkey

  • It is user-friendly and has an easy-to-use interface for creating and sending feedback surveys.
  • It provides a wide range of survey customization options, like the ability to collect data from many respondents, integrate with other tools, etc.
  • SurveyMonkey offers advanced reporting and data analysis capabilities as well.
  • Limited customization options for some of the survey templates. It also does not provide public product roadmaps and changelog functionality like Rapidr.
  • Higher pricing for advanced features, such as skip logic and data export, doesn't support different types of customer feedback.

3. Qualtrics XM Clarabridge

Qualtrics provides enterprise-level experience management (XM), and this includes Clarabridge. Qualtrics helps understand customers at every meaningful moment and take actions that deliver breakthrough experiences with feedback surveys.

Qualtrics Pricing: Custom Quote

Features of Qualtrics

  • Creating a survey is quick and easy, and the interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • It supports pre-built survey templates with several question types to design surveys and supports predictive analysis, reporting, and crosstab functionality.
  • Adding customization or more complex logic could also be challenging if you don't know any scripting languages.
  • Customers dislike that the software's price is increasing daily and is significantly overpriced compared to its alternatives.

4. Medallia

Medallia is an Experience Platform that helps organizations understand, manage, and improve the experiences of their customers, and employees. It helps capture feedback and experience signals wherever customers interact, including email, social, digital web and in-app, conversational messaging, and connected devices.

Medallia Pricing: Custom quote.

Features of Medallia

  • Medallia delivers these insights in real-time, across the organization, so that the voice of the customer can be embedded in daily decisions made by everyone, from the customer-facing teams at the frontline to the C-suite.
  • They help conduct voice-of-customer surveys, market research, and implement action-oriented analytics.
  • Collect real-time feedback and integrate the responses in touchpoints and journey mapping to get users' feedback.
  • Customers say removing unfair reviews is complicated, and product feedback surveys sometimes get stuck.

5. InMoment

InMoment helps collect website or the in-app voice of customer feedback. InMoment is an Experience Improvement (XI) platform, transforming metrics into meaning to drive high-value business decisions and relationships with customers and employees.

InMoment Pricing: Custom quote

Features of InMoment

  • The platform helps quickly and accurately capture customer feedback from multiple sources, including surveys, email, and social media, and analyze it to gain valuable insights into customer attitudes and behaviors.
  • It provides an intuitive dashboard to let businesses easily track customer feedback, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop strategies to increase customer satisfaction.
  • The tool can be difficult to customize to meet specific needs and requires coding and technical expertise.
  • Customers quote the tool to be on the expensive side.

6. GetFeedback

GetFeedback lets you create beautiful, mobile-friendly surveys that improve response rates. It helps measure and improve key customer satisfaction metrics, like Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT).

GetFeedback Pricing: Starting at $29 per month

Features of GetFeedback

  • It supports feedback management with customizable surveys and reporting altogether.
  • It also provides mobile surveys, predictive analysis, and multi-channel communication for website feedback tracking.
  • It includes an effective dashboard to display data analysis and 360-degree feedback collected.
  • Pre-defined templates offered need improvement.
  • It doesn't support different types of customer feedback, user permissions, or multi-party survey collaborations.

7. Sentisum

SentiSum is an AI-based VoC and customer sentiment analysis tool that automates tagging and sentiment analysis of customer conversations to put VoC at the center of your business. SentiSum specializes in tagging and sentiment analysis of customer success and support conversations.

SentiSum Pricing: Starting at $1,000 per month

Features of SentiSum

  • They support automated ticket tagging and sentiment analysis of all  VoC channels and CSAT driver analysis.
  • Sentisum helps teams tap into customer sentiment and understand key pain points and trends within customer feedback and also provides a simple and real-time reporting dashboard.
  • This insight analysis helps inform the product engineering cycle, enabling product managers to get a high-level overview of trends and deep dive analysis into the qualitative experiences.
  • Customers quoted that the tool still requires manual input as the AI is not 100% accurate all the time.

8. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a survey feedback platform that helps to gain qualitative insights through website surveys. Its key features include sentiment analysis, cookie targeting, data streaming, custom properties, and responses.

Qualaroo Pricing: Starts at $100 per month.

Features of Qualaroo

  • The platform provides a proprietary insight capture tool that helps you ask the right questions at the right time so that you don’t have to create in-app, link, or web surveys from scratch whenever you want to collect customer feedback.
  • It also allows personalization by adding skip logic and templates to create surveys and open-ended feedback questions to gather free-form feedback.
  • This is your best bet if you are looking for an advanced survey tool. Still, a customer feedback management tool requires collecting, prioritizing, and managing feedback under one roof to close the feedback loop, and Qualroo doesn't have the necessary features to do that.
  • By incorporating popup surveys for feedback, your customers might face difficulties navigating and checking out.
  • It is expensive compared to other feedback management alternatives. Customers quote the price of the tool to be on the higher side.

9. MonkeyLearn

MonkeyLearn is an AI platform that allows you to analyze text with Machine Learning to automate business workflows and save hours of manual data processing. MonkeyLearn turns unstructured feedback into structured data and helps gain valuable insights into what your customers say and make data-driven decisions.

MonkeyLearn Pricing: Starts from $299 for the team plan

Features of MonkeyLearn

  • It supports building sentiment analysis models with industry-specific language and extracts custom data from the free-text feedback.
  • The tool provides automated ticket tagging, routing, and aspect-based sentiment analysis.
  • Customers quote it to be super flexible and user-friendly, with detailed documentation of their APIs.
  • It only supports 4 integrations at the moment.

10. Mopinion

Mopinion empowers its users to create customizable online feedback forms, including various CX metrics such as NPS, CES, and CSAT, and trigger them based on rules such as mouse movement, exit intent, etc.

It also includes visualization in customizable dashboards, text analysis, and labels. Users can use proactive alerts and role-based views to act upon feedback.

Mopinion Pricing: Starting at $229/month.

Features of Mopinion

  • Mopinion allows you to create, design, and configure feedback forms, embed them directly into the site, and offers reporting, analytics, and sentiment analysis to gauge customer sentiment.
  • Mopinion also helps you collect and organize customer feedback across multiple channels, including in-app feedback.
  • It also supports customer segmentation to target selected customer demographics like Rapidr.
  • It is expensive compared to its alternatives.
  • It doesn't support feature request voting boards like Rapidr.

11. SurveySparrow

SurveySparrow is a customer and employee experience management tool that offers NPS surveys, offline and chat surveys, and classic online feedback forms. It supports conversational UI that lets your surveys deliver a chat-like experience.

SurveySparrow Pricing: The business plan starts at $99/mo.

Features of SurveySparrow

  • SurveySparrow offers online and offline survey options that allow businesses to collect customer feedback from anywhere without being online.
  • It also provides 360° Surveys, NPS, and CSAT surveys to refine customer sentiments, pulse, and employee experiences.
  • SurveySparrow has limited analytics and reporting features and functionality to analyze and manage customer feedback like other tools.
  • Users claim that the tool compared to other feedback software,  gets very pricy quickly, with their lowest plan coming in at 10 users for $99/mo and up to $500/mo for the enterprise.


In conclusion, harnessing the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is critical to the success of any customer-centric business. It allows you to understand your customers' needs, expectations, and pain points, which empowers you to make data-driven decisions to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience.

Selecting a VoC tool that provides comprehensive, actionable insights from your customer feedback is vital. And remember, the ultimate goal of any VoC tool should be to help you build stronger relationships with your customers, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

With Rapidr, as your VoC tool, you can collect, analyze, and organize feedback and engage with customers as their feedback moves through the development process. Sign up and set up a complete voice of the customer feedback system to boost customer experience and truly listen to them.

By listening to your customers and integrating their voices into your business strategy, you are on the path to creating not only better products and services but also a more customer-centric business culture. So, let these tools be your guide in translating the voice of your customer into the language of continuous business improvement.

Top 11 Voice of the Customer (VoC) Tools in 2024
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